Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Day Mamet Wrote Vaudeville

This is a gun.

Oh, so that's a gun, huh?

That's right. That is a gun.

That's a gun?

That's a gun. And I want you to take it.

You want me to take it?

I want you to take it. And I want you to take it, and I want you to take it to Charlie's house.

To Charlie's house?

To Charlie's house. And I want you to take the gun there.

Take the gun to Charlie's house?

Take the gun to Charlie's house. And when you find Charlie there--

Charlie will be there?

Charlie will be there.

And when you find Charlie, I want you to shoot him.

Shoot Charlie?

Shoot Charlie.

With the gun?

With the gun.

That I brought there?

Yes. Take the gun, go to Charlie's house, find Charlie, and shoot him. With the gun.

Uh. Sure. I can do that. Only one thing.

What's that?

Who's Charlie?

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