Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Governor Hair Remains Useless, Fibby

Bob Feder reports in his Sun-Times column today:

Construction could be halted today on Chicago's half-finished Museum of Broadcast Communications because of the state's failure to deliver $3 million in promised funding.


Bruce DuMont, founder and president of the museum, blamed the snafu on Gov. Blagojevich for not releasing funds previously budgeted for the fiscal year ending 2006 and approved for the project.

You gotta hand it to our Chief Airhead. He may be as stupid as a shoe tree, but he's managed to break just about every promise he's made in his political career, and to botch every single thing he touches. Except for that coif. Snazzy!

I'll stop short of hoping that he gets convicted of massive criminality like the last goobernur, though, and goes to prison. A better punishment would be to make him live in Springfield for the rest of his life. Ouch!


Anonymous said...

You are in big trouble, Mr. Moss! The Democratic Party doesn't appreciate your smartass web nonsense!

Stronger Than Dirt Pete Moss said...

Hey, I voted for the guy, and I still prefer him to Doody Jar So-Stinka and the GOP. He's just disappointed me at every turn, and I've been waiting for that museum construction to be completed for a long time.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha - absolutely hilarious. Keep it up. Who cares what the Democratic Party thinks of your site. My first visit and I couldn't have said it better. Great picture. Similar likeness of Goobernur Blah Blah.