Saturday, August 19, 2006

Scumbag Worm-meat Idiots

Well, that was pretty fun.

This was covered so heavily that if you care about it at all, you already know about it, but after doing crappy throwaway posts about the firings of Bobby Skafish and Larry Lujack, it would feel wrong if I didn't at least superficially cover the surprise impromptu reunion of Steve Dahl and Garry Meier yesterday. Also, I've gotten half a dozen hits from searches on Steve and Garry-related keywords, thanks to coincidentally having mentioned them in the Larry Lujack post from the other day.

So, yeah, it happened, and I thought it was pretty entertaining. Garry was pretty funny, and Dahl seemed kind of sparked by it. Buzz Kilman didn't seem 100% happy, though.

Podcasts are available at for a limited time. So download lively, radio nerds!

Also -- it's an embarrassment of multimedia riches -- the bizarre demon monster that is YouTube supplies the following:

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